Saturday, October 17, 2009

Chicago Sun-Times Editorial: Does CTA back free-ride rollback?

Chicago Sun-Times Editorial: Does CTA back free-ride rollback?
Copyright by The Chicago Sun-Times
October 17, 2009,CST-EDT-edit18b.article

It was an idea right up Rod Blagojevich's alley when he was governor.
Latch onto a populist notion -- free bus rides for Chicago area seniors. Pay no mind how much it will cost -- tens of millions of dollars. And care even less how it will be paid for -- higher fares for everyone else.

Thankfully, we're rid of Blagojevich as governor.

But we're still stuck with his goofy idea of giving all senior citizens -- regardless of their ability to pay -- free rides on Chicago area transit.

We offer this history lesson because in the debate over seniors and free rides, we think it's helpful to remember where the idea came from when assessing its quality.

Now, don't get us wrong.

Seniors deserve a break. Many of them have worked hard, made a contribution to society and should get a little recognition for it.

That's why we're all for giving financially needy seniors a free ride, and giving the rest a reduced rate.

Thank goodness some politicians and public agencies are getting up the courage to say the obvious.

The free rides are blowing a hole in transit agency budgets, and the freebies must stop.

The Regional Transportation Authority is asking state lawmakers to roll back the benefit.

Gov. Quinn, who came out earlier in support of the perk, said Friday he favored limiting the benefit to needy seniors only.

Good for Quinn. Let's hope his position remains firm. Another flip-flop will only cement his reputation as Gov. Jell-O.

The CTA, unfortunately, has not stepped up to share the RTA's position. Which is puzzling because the free ride program could cost it up to $60 million in the coming year.

We firmly believe seniors deserve a break -- just not one that breaks the bank.

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