Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hannity on TEA Party: 'We screwed up'/Jon Stewart responds to Sean Hannity's apology

Hannity on TEA Party: 'We screwed up'
by Mark Silva
Copyright by The Chicago Tribune
Posted November 12, 2009 10:15 AM

Comedy Central's Jon Stewart, who approaches politics with no joke, had called out FOX News Channel's serious Sean Hannity for showing video of a much larger "TEA Party'' protest conducted in Washington on Sept. 12 in talking about a much smaller Capitol rally recently.

Hannity called back last night: Stewart was right - and Hannity uttered some presidential words in fessing up:

"Although it pains me to say this, Jon Stewart, Comedy Central, he was right,'' Hannity said on his show last night.

"Now on his program last night, he mentioned that we had played some inccorect video on this program last week while talking about the Republican health care rally on Capitol Hill,'' Hannity said. "He was correct, we screwed up.

"We aired some video of a rally in September along with a video from the actual event. It was an inadvertent mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. So, Mr. Stewart, you were right.

"We apologize, Hannity said on air to Stewart. "But by the way, we wanna thank you and all your writers for watching."

Jon Stewart responds to Sean Hannity's apology
Copyright by The Chicago Tribune
November 13, 2009,0,1682459.htmlstory

"It wasn't worth it. Nothing's worth sitting through this," sobbed Jon Stewart on Thursday night's episode of the "The Daily Show." A skit showed Stewart suffering through Sean Hannity's three-hour-long talk show while waiting to hear the Fox News host apologize to Stewart and team.

"We screwed up," Hannity said on his program Wednesday, after "The Daily Show" called out Fox for showing footage of a Sept. 12 rally, which drew thousands of conservative activists, during a report about an entirely different rally that had a much smaller attendance.

Stewart fired back Thursday that Hannity's apology was misdirected.

"He didn't have to apologize to me," said Stewart. "It's not like he disappointed me. I expect that stuff."

Watch the entire "Daily Show" clip here:

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