Lou Dobbs Weighs Senate Run, as a Steppingstone
Copyright by The New York Times
Published: November 24, 2009
The Lou Dobbs-for-Senate rumor had barely crested when the Lou Dobbs-for-president rumor suddenly overtook it this week.
A spokesman for Mr. Dobbs said he was seriously considering a race in 2012 against Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, above, as “an intermediary step.”
Mr. Dobbs, the former cable television anchor of the sonorous voice and tough-talking immigration politics, parted ways with CNN on Nov. 11, reportedly receiving an $8 million severance payment, and immediately stirred questions about his plans.
His name was quickly floated as a potential challenger in 2012 to United States Senator Robert Menendez, the New Jersey Democrat, an ardent advocate for immigrants’ rights and the chamber’s only Hispanic member. (Mr. Dobbs, 64, lives on a horse farm in rural Wantage, N.J.)
Then, on Monday, Mr. Dobbs said he had been urged to ponder a White House run, and was indeed thinking about it. “Yes is the answer,” he told former Senator Fred D. Thompson, who reached Mr. Dobbs at his vacation home in West Palm Beach, Fla., and broadcast the interview on his radio program.
What’s unclear is whether Mr. Dobbs, who branded himself “Mr. Independent” on CNN and talks prodigiously about his scorn for partisan politicians on a radio program syndicated to more than 200 stations, would run as an independent or seek the nomination of the Republican Party, which he spurned in 2006, switching his registration to independent.
On Monday, Mr. Dobbs told Mr. Thompson he did not know which way he was leaning on a presidential bid, but said he would “be talking some more with some folks who want me to listen to them the next few weeks.”
Later, he told a Washington radio station, “For the first time, I’m actually listening to some people about politics,” adding: “I think that being in the public arena means you’ve got to be part of the solution.”
By Tuesday, Mr. Dobbs had apparently begun screening his calls: the phones rang off the hook at his Florida home. A spokesman played down the idea of a presidential race, but said Mr. Dobbs was taking seriously the idea of running against Mr. Menendez.
“I think Lou is realistically saying, that’s a long way off, but if he did run for office there’d have to be an intermediary step, such as the Menendez seat,” said the spokesman, Robert L. Dilenschneider. He said Mr. Dobbs was impressed by Republican gains in New Jersey in November and by President Obama’s sinking popularity.
Mr. Dobbs’s two biggest assets in a Senate race would be name recognition and his fortune. But it is less evident that he has a political base of support, even in Sussex County, where he lives, and where Republicans dominate every level of politics.
Richard Zeoli, a former Sussex Republican chairman who was just elected a county freeholder, said he did not know whether Mr. Dobbs would energize Republicans on a full range of issues or focus too much on a few subjects. “Beyond immigration, there’s a lot of things that party leaders would want to ask,” he said.
Virginia Littell, a former state Republican chairwoman, said Mr. Dobbs and his wife, Debi, had been only “peripherally involved” in the community. “I don’t even know anything about him politically,” she said. “I know he was a Republican and now he’s an independent. So, say he comes back to be a Republican. Is that really who he is?”
Asked whether Mr. Dobbs would run as an independent or a Republican, Mr. Dilenschneider first ventured that it would be “highly unlikely” that he would return to the party, given how much he had done to brand himself as an independent. But after getting through to Mr. Dobbs, he reported back that the former anchor would not rule out a Republican candidacy. “It’s just too early to come to a conclusion on that,” he quoted Mr. Dobbs as saying.
Mr. Dobbs’s past outspokenness could also complicate his return to the Republican fold. Last year, he ripped into Christopher J. Christie, then the United States attorney in New Jersey, over immigration enforcement, calling him “an utter embarrassment.” He also briefly considered a primary run against Mr. Christie in the governor’s race.
And in late October, Mr. Christie’s aides took notice when Mr. Dobbs gave an independent candidate, Christopher J. Daggett, air time on his CNN program when it appeared that Mr. Daggett’s candidacy was damaging Mr. Christie.
Mr. Christie, now the state’s governor-elect, will presumably have something to say about who should be the party’s nominee for the Senate in 2012.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
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