Saturday, August 1, 2009

Julie Hamos Running For Mark Kirk's House Seat

Julie Hamos Running For Mark Kirk's House Seat
First Posted: 07-27-09 02:09 PM | Updated: 07-27-09 02:15 PM

CHICAGO (AP) -- State Rep. Julie Hamos (HAY'-mohs) wants to move up from the Illinois Capitol in Springfield to the U.S. Capitol in Washington.

The Evanston Democrat will announce Tuesday she's running for the 10th Congressional District seat Republican Rep. Mark Kirk holds.

Kirk isn't seeking re-election because he's one of the Republicans running for President Barack Obama's old U.S. Senate seat, which Democrat Roland Burris now holds. Burris isn't running for a full term.

Hamos has been in the Illinois General Assembly for a decade. Her campaign says she'll make her announcement Tuesday in Highland Park.

The 10th district runs north of Chicago to almost Wisconsin and includes wealthy communities along Lake Michigan and more modest communities to the west.

Democrat Dan Seals, who has lost twice to Kirk, is also running.

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