Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Who Can The LGBT Community Support in 2010! by David Mixner

Who Can The LGBT Community Support in 2010!
by David Mixner
Copyright by David Mixner
May 10 2010

Capitol_night LGBT people are great citizens - responsible, diligent and knowledgeable. We know and value the ability to be able to participate fully in the election process. None of us would even consider sitting out an election knowing ramifications on not only our issues but those facing our planet. So the option of boycotting any election should not be one that we embrace in protest. However, as we progress through this political year, several factors are clear to us.

1. There is simply no longer any benefit in giving to the national Democratic entities such as the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Fund. Because of their apparent love affair with Blue Dog Democrats, most who oppose LGBT rights, we would only be freeing up money for candidates who will hurt us instead of help us. Even 'special funds' set up inside those committees only help create money for those who oppose us.

2. Second, we don't have to support those committees to be good citizens and to help our community. There are now enough candidates who support full equality, including marriage equality, that we no longer have to accept second best. We can raise money, awareness and support for candidates who believe in us. We don't need to go through Committees to support them, we can write checks directly.

In this year's United States Senate races, there at least five candidates (maybe more later), who support full equality including marriage. They deserve our direct money, support and praise. I will do my best over the next weeks to point out other candidates who are supporting us fully. This is a beginning list:

Senator Barbara Boxer (California): The California Democrat was a vocal opponent against Proposition 8. She has been a long time supporter of the LGBT community and supports full equality.

Senator Russ Feingold (Wisconsin): Russ Feingold, when he was considering running for President, was the first Presidential candidate to support marriage equality leading the path for others to follow. This progressive is true champion of our community.

Candidate Lee Fisher (Ohio): Fresh off a primary victory, this Democrat nominee for senate is totally on board with full equality. Don't believe me? Just go to his website and see his positions! Lee Fisher is a strong advocate for marriage equality.

Candidate Alexi Giannoulias (Illinois): The youngest candidate for US Senate this year is a huge champion for full equality for LGBT citizens. Campaigning before straight audiences he has advocated strongly for marriage equality, repeal of DOMA and repeal of DADT just for openers!

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (New York): At this moment, there is no greater or tougher champion for the LGBT community in the United States Congress and that includes at times even some of our own elected's! Need proof? Just look at her recent letter to her constituents proclaiming how wrong Secretary of Defense Gates was to ask the Congress to wait before repealing DADT. In her we have found a powerful and amazing advocate for our freedom.

This is just the first in a series presenting to you candidates who you can feel comfortable in supporting. If you have choices and they support full equality (including marriage equality and not civil unions), please send them to me with documentation.

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