Friday, April 23, 2010

Chicago Sun-Times Editorial: Dems take state for a ride

Chicago Sun-Times Editorial: Dems take state for a ride
Copyright by Chicago Sun-Times
April 23, 2010,CST-EDT-edit23b.article

The question of the day for Democrats in Springfield: What part of "we can't afford it" did you fail to grasp Wednesday when you blithely decided to keep throwing away the taxpayers' money on free bus and train rides for all seniors -- rich and poor alike?

A recap, in case you missed this latest outrage:

The House recently passed a bill rolling back an absurd program, created by former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, by which all seniors get free mass transit rides. The House bill calls for providing free rides only to low-income seniors, with all other seniors still riding for just half price. But a Senate committee on Wednesday killed the rollback bill, with seven Democrats voting it down.

Only one Democrat -- Senate President John Cullerton -- joined Republicans in support of the bill.

Is it any wonder the state can't get a handle on its $13 billion deficit?

Our so-called statesmen in Springfield -- led on this one by Sen. Rickey Hendon, a Chicago Democrat -- can't even deny a free bus ride to a senior who can comfortably do without it.

The true insult is to the many seniors who say they are willing to give up this little perk for the good of the greater cause -- fixing the state's budget mess. They know shameless pandering when they see it.

If this is the best Springfield can do, why drag out this legislative session another day?

Let's give up now.

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