Far-Right Group AFA Demands To Know Kagan’s Sexuality, Since ‘No Lesbian Is Qualified’ To Sit On SCOTUS
By Amanda Terkel
May 10th, 2010 at 12:07 pm
Copyright by Think Progress
Today, President Obama nominated Solicitor General Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court. Since she happens to be an unmarried woman who has not publicly commented on her sexuality and supports LGBT rights, many on the right are making assumptions about her personal life — and therefore her fitness to serve as a justice. Last month, CBS News published an online column by former Bush administration speechwriter and current editor of The New Ledger Ben Domenech, who called Kagan the “first openly gay justice.” The White House quickly responded, demanding that CBS pull down the post and saying that the site was “applying old stereotypes to single women with successful careers.”
The right wing has been hammering Kagan over the fact that while she was dean, Harvard Law School “refused to help the nation’s military recruit its students, because the armed services discriminated against openly gay soldiers.” Conservatives have been using this episode to unjustly portray her as being anti-military and to add fuel to the speculation over whether or not she is a lesbian. In a blog post for the far-right American Family Association (AFA) today, Bryan Fischer comes right out and says that the media should pointedly ask Kagan, “Are you a lesbian?” And if she is, according to AFA, she shouldn’t serve on the court:
It’s time we got over the myth that what a public servant does in his private life is of no consequence. We cannot afford to have another sexually abnormal individual in a position of important civic responsibility, especially when that individual could become one of nine votes in an out of control oligarchy that constantly usurps constitutional prerogatives to unethically and illegally legislate for 300 million Americans.
The stakes are too high. Social conservatives must rise up as one and say no lesbian is qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. Will they?
Americans For Truth — a group “devoted exclusively to exposing and countering the homosexual activist agenda” — also put out a statement saying that Kagan needs to answer, “Are (or were) you a practicing homosexual or do you consider yourself homosexual (gay)?” Last month, Focus on the Family also said that it would not be open to a gay Supreme Court justice.
The right-wing assumption that if she is a lesbian, she will have a conflict-of-interest and be personally biased in certain areas is similar to the criticisms the right had against Sonia Sotomayor and the fact that she is a Latina. Media Matters has put together a video recalling just how low the right will go, as it did with the race-based attacks on Sotomayor. Watch it:
Gaywatch: Law School Friends, Eliot Spitzer Say Kagan is Straight
By Max Read
Copyright by Gawker.com
May 12, 2010
Gaywatch: Law School Friends, Eliot Spitzer Say Kagan is StraightSupreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is not gay, says her law school roommate Sarah Walzer. Former New York governor Eliot Spitzer, who knew her as a Princeton undergrad, agrees. And yet, the rumor persists.
Is Elena Kagan gay? It is important that America know, due to finding the possibility of gay/lesbian sex more interesting that "law things." Luckily, Politico's Ben Smith is "hot" on the trail of Kagan's potential lesbianism, for the good of the country: On Tuesday, he called up Kagan's old roommate to ask about the Supreme Court nominee.
"I've known her for most of her adult life and I know she's straight," said Sarah Walzer, Kagan's roommate in law school and a close friend since then. "She dated men when we were in law school, we talked about men - who in our class was cute, who she would like to date, all of those things. She definitely dated when she was in D.C. after law school, when she was in Chicago – and she just didn't find the right person."
But what if she didn't find the right person—because the right person was another homosexual lesbian? Walzer has proof that Kagan is a straight: Strategic man-invites.
"There definitely were strategic invites," Wazler recalled. "She'd say, ‘This is somebody I'm interested in' and I'd say ‘I'll make sure he's one of the people we invite.'"
According to Walzer, it was difficult for Kagan to date not because she was gay, but because she was smart, which in America is bascially the same thing.
Smith was able to corroborate Kagan's theoretical heterosexuality with well known "sexpert" (expert in sex) Eliot Spitzer, who emailed to confirm her straightness and make it exceedingly clear that he did not, in fact, bang Elena Kagan: "I did not go out with her, but other guys did. I don't think it is my place to say more." Thanks for clearing that up, El!
Kagan, meanwhile, hasn't herself commented on the question of whether she likes boring straight sex or deeply fascinating lesbian sex, possibly because she thinks it is "her own private business" or some similarly communistic thing.
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