Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Madigan campaign kick off

Madigan campaign kick off
Copyright by The Windy City times

Illinois State Senate candidate Jim Madigan officially kicked off his campaign to unseat incumbent Heather Steans Aug. 8 at his headquarters, 4802 N. Broadway. Talking with supporters, Madigan discussed his motivation for running: "For me, my values will guide my campaign—and my personal experiences will guide what kind of candidate I will be. My personal experience is to work hard; I have not had things handed to me. I want to do politics the way it should be done—working hard to meet people, to energize people [ and ] to inspire them to be involved. ... What makes this prospect exciting is that, if we can send this brilliant man [ Barack Obama ] to go change the nation, I know we have the opportunity to work hard and clean up our own backyard." If he prevails, Madigan would become the first openly gay individual to be part of that legislative body. Photos by Andrew Davis

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