Monday, April 20, 2009

Chicago Sun-Times Editorial - N.Y. gov leading fight for same-sex marriages

Chicago Sun-Times Editorial - N.Y. gov leading fight for same-sex marriages
Copyright by The Chicago Sun-Times
April 20, 2009,CST-EDT-edit20a.article

The movement to give same-sex couples the right to marry is growing in powerful and unexpected ways.
Just a few months ago, who could have imagined that the number of states formally ending discrimination against gay couples would double in a single week?

With the decisions in Iowa and Vermont this month, four states have now legalized gay marriage.

Is New York next?

It will be if Gov. David Paterson has his way.

In a bold move last week, Paterson reintroduced a same-sex marriage bill, throwing himself and the power of his office behind this civil rights struggle.

Passage of the bill isn't assured, making Paterson's move more meaningful. He's sticking his neck out for something he believes in.

As a black man, he also risked offending some in the black community by equating the struggle for rights for gays to the battle to end slavery and discrimination. Talk like that has offended some in the past, but Paterson did not hesitate.

"Anyone who has ever faced intolerance of any kind knows the solemn importance of protecting the rights of all people," he said in a speech Thursday.

The New York governor has a long history of fighting for gay rights. It's inspired in part, he says, by a strong bond he had with a gay couple who were friends with his parents. Though they've passed, he still calls them Uncle Stanley and Uncle Ronald.

To date, the only state that has legalized same-sex marriage through legislation is Vermont. The others have relied on the courts, which opponents have criticized.

Advocates should continue to use the courts to advance this right, but ultimately we prefer a legislative remedy, as Paterson is pursuing. Success in the courts and state legislatures both reflect the will of the people -- and likely would not occur in either venue if public opinion was too far behind -- but opponents like to suggest otherwise. A legislative victory might provide less ground for opponents to mount an attack.

In the coming weeks, the nation will turn its attention to New York as the next battleground in the fight to legalize same-sex marriages.

Many deserve credit for bringing New York to this point, but Paterson gets a special nod for leading the way.

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